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Infrared Technology (IR)

Aricat’s catalytic panels emit energy in the form of infrared (IR), functioning through catalytic gas oxidation in the total absence of flame, and therefore, they can be used in potentially explosive atmospheres.

Infrared radiation is a form of energy transmission through medium / long electromagnetic waves moving at the speed of light along straight lines.

They are not absorbed by the air (therefore they do not heat them), becoming heat only when they are assimilated by a body exposed to them.

These waves have a wavelength ranging from 2 to 10 microns (m) and this length is perfectly absorbed by most of the organic products.

Different wavelengths are obtained by varying the temperature of the surface of the catalytic area, namely by changing the gas pressure.

Therefore, homogeneous, direct and high quality treatments, are ensured.

LONG WAVES - 0.76 - 2.00 micron (um)They are waves emitted by the most common heating systems (such as radiators, air heaters). The materials subjected to their action, warm themselves firstly on the surface and then through convection on the rest of the body, wit very long times
MEDIUM WAVES - 2.00 - 4.00 micron (um)They are waves that allow good radiation transmission and which maintain steady the highest penetration power in every irradiated surfaces, regardless of their color or nature